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I love this potting bench. Have been wanting one for a long time but couldn’t afford the high priced ones. I have a small space that it fits in perfectly right next to my outdoor sink. I can hang my gardening tools and store other stuff below. It’s great!

I can’t believe what a difference it made – this bench looks like a finished piece of furniture, it’s also not too shiny or varnishy. I protect it from the rain – lucky that it moves easy.

All-in-all, the bench thrilled my wife and exceeded our expectations. Looks amazing out on the patio and will do double-duties as a bar during BBQs/Parties. I feel it’s a solid piece and will give us many years of service!

My potting bench is amazing. It transformed my backyard, enclosing the patio and making it feel like an outdoor room. It increases privacy since I’m no longer able to see the neighbor’s house behind it, even from inside the house at the patio window. When we had the family over for dinner this summer we put food on the top shelf and it served as a buffet, and I love storing the kid’s toys on the lower shelf to keep the patio tidy. My potting bench is my favorite outdoor furniture, and I love that it was made especially for me!